Who Would Have Thought that Nopal Cactus Would Be So Healthy!
Who Would Have Thought that Nopal Cactus Would Be So Healthy!
Scientific studies have shown Nopal Cactus to have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, which help reduce intestinal inflammation, heal Leaky Gut Syndrome and increase beneficial gut bacteria.

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Supercharging Liver Health and Detoxification
Supercharging Liver Health and Detoxification
This as with all liver detoxification programs varies from person to person but you may notice a reduction in the symptoms associated with a poor functioning liver. For example you may feel more alive, have better moods, notice an improvement in memory and concentration, lose weight, sleep better and have a reduction in muscle and joint pain.

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Supporting Kidney Health and Detoxification
Supporting Kidney Health and Detoxification
Your kidneys are one of the most important organs and good kidney health is of extreme importance. Your Kidneys regulate your water balance and blood pressure, manufacture vitamin D and erythropoietin (which controls the formation of red blood cells) and they detoxify harmful substances and excrete them via your urine.

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Food Allergies - A Common Cause Of Poor Health?
Food Allergies - A Common Cause Of Poor Health?
Allergies are a growing concern and are becoming more common in our society. An allergy occurs when your body comes into contact with a substance that it is incompatible with. This could be a food or liquid that you’ve consumed, a substance that you have inhaled, a material that has come in contact with your skin, or by a condition called Leaky Gut Syndrome (damage to the mucous membrane lining of your digestive tract).

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Weak Digestive Function Can Aggravate Pyroluria and Pyrrole Disorder
Weak Digestive Function Can Aggravate Pyroluria and Pyrrole Disorder
We often hear that Pyroluria and Pyrrole Disorder are a life-long health aliment that requires long-term supplementation. For some this maybe true, but for the majority underlying lifestyle and health factors drive a persons Pyroluria. In this blog we look at poor digestion as an underlying causative factor and what can be done to repair the damage.

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Stress - A Driving Force Behind Pyroluria and Pyrrole Disorder
Stress - A Driving Force Behind Pyroluria and Pyrrole Disorder
A little bit of short-term stress is beneficial for the body but long-term stress, impacts us negatively. For Pyroluria and Pyrrole Disorder sufferers excessive and long-term stress exacerbates many of the symptoms associated with the condition.

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The Connection Between Diet, Pyroluria and Pyrrole Disorder
The Connection Between Diet, Pyroluria and Pyrrole Disorder
The importance of a nutrient-dense and antioxidant-rich diet should not be overlooked by anyone suffering from Pyroluria or Pyrrole Disorder. Sadly though, it is often a forgotten piece of the puzzle.

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Is Pyrrole Disorder Causing You to Suffer?
Is Pyrrole Disorder Causing You to Suffer?
Pyrrole Disorder can best be described as the abnormal synthesis and metabolism of the oxygen carrying molecule in your blood, called haemoglobin. All cells in your body produce waste or by-products and the by-product of haemoglobin is a metabolite called hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL) also known as Pyrrole. This metabolite was originally thought to be a Kryptopyrrole but further studies have proven this not the case.

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Why Nutrition Is Important?
Why Nutrition Is Important?
Nutrition is the process of providing and or obtaining food that is necessary for our health and growth. Without proper nutrition our body cannot remain in a state of good health and disease will occur.

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8 Critical Health Benefits of Fibre
8 Critical Health Benefits of Fibre
Fibre is the miracle undigestible component found in all plant base foods. Fibre has the amazing benefit of not only keeping the digestive tract healthy, but also reducing the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer. Not bad for something the body doesn't absorb.

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Understanding Pyroluria and What Causes It
Understanding Pyroluria and What Causes It
Pyroluria can best be described as the abnormal synthesis and metabolism of the oxygen carrying molecule haemoglobin. Pyroluria Sufferers produce excessive amounts of hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one, which binds to, inhibits absorption and increase urinary excretion of Zinc, Vitamin B6 and Biotin

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Alpha Brainwaves The Connection To Our Subconscious
Alpha Brainwaves The Connection To Our Subconscious
Our Alpha brainwaves are the bridge that connects our conscious and subconscious mind. Deficiencies in Alpha Brainwaves can lead to a buildup of stress, anxiety and panic disorders.

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GABA Our Miracle Chemical in Stressful Times
GABA Our Miracle Chemical in Stressful Times
GABA is a neurotransmitter or brain chemical that keeps us calm, sedated and relaxed. Without adequate levels of GABA our body's become a bundle of nerves and we feel more stressed out and anxious.

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Understanding PMS - Premenstrual Syndrome
Understanding PMS - Premenstrual Syndrome
For women suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome commonly known as PMS each month can bring a long list of debilitating symptoms. Read on in this blog to gain an understanding of what PMS is and how best to treat it and the variety of PMS subclasses.

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Whey Protein Frequently Asked Questions
Whey Protein Frequently Asked Questions
Whey protein is the amino acid, rich liquid by-product created from cheese production. Besides the high concentration of amino acids, whey protein contains major protein fractions known as beta–lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin and immunoglobulin's.

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Herbal Medicine - Natures Alternative
Herbal Medicine - Natures Alternative
Herbal Medicine has played a major role in human evolution for thousands of years. Herbal Medicine is a safe and effective way to helped to support and nourish the body in times of illness and in health

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Health Benefits of Whey Protein
Health Benefits of Whey Protein

Human and animal scientific studies have shown many potential health benefits of whey protein.

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Sleep Onset Insomnia - Trouble Falling Asleep
Sleep Onset Insomnia - Trouble Falling Asleep
For many people who spend countless hours staring at the ceiling unable to fall asleep life can be debilitating. Sleep Onset Insomnia is a common cause of insomnia and can have detrimental physical, emotional and financial effects for the sufferer. This blog has some answers

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Stress - A Hidden Cause of Insomnia
Stress - A Hidden Cause of Insomnia
We've all had days or weeks when we have felt a little more stress than normal. That additional unwanted stress can cause us to feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, short tempered and leads to that annoying 'I can't sleep at night' syndrome.

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Sleep Maintenance Insomnia - Unable To Stay Asleep
Sleep Maintenance Insomnia - Unable To Stay Asleep
Sleep is something we all need, and lets face it not too many of us can function well without it. For many people trying to capture that elusive good night's sleep is a never-ending battle, filled with feelings of frustration, fatigue, a lack of mental clarity and if you ask loved ones of the sufferer they can be downright grumpy!

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What is Candida?
What is Candida?
The Candida species naturally occurs in small quantities within your digestive tract and its role is to help with the whole digestive process. The amount of Candida present in your intestinal tract is regulated and kept under control by your beneficial gut bacteria. Like all opportunistic organism, if the conditions are favourable they will proliferate and Candida is no different. An overgrowth of Candida can affect any part of your body causing a multitude of symptoms, illnesses and eventually disease.

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What Is Detoxification?
What Is Detoxification?
Detoxification is a natural process that occurs in your body on a regular basis. It is required by every cell to remove poisons or toxins before they cause damage to your body and increase your risk of disease or illness.

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Emotions Links To Health Complaints
Emotions Links To Health Complaints
Medical intuitive and author Louise Hay has long believed there is a connection between disease and emotional disharmony. Back in the early 1980’s Louise put forward the hypothesis that AIDS came from feelings of hopelessness and defencelessness.

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Understanding Heavy Metal Toxicity
Understanding Heavy Metal Toxicity
Heavy metals are commonly found in thousands of different food & beverage products, household cleaning products, household furnishings, cookware, personal body care products, cosmetics and untold numbers of industrial products and chemicals.

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