10 Common Causes of Chronic Inflammation
10 Common Causes of Chronic Inflammation
Inflammation is a complex biological response in which your body reacts to an infection, irritation, or other injury. The key features of inflammation are redness, warmth, swelling and pain. In the initial stages of an injury inflammation acts as a protective mechanism designed to eliminate harmful stimuli that causes tissue damage as well as being a major component of the healing process for that tissue.

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Role Of B6, Zinc, Biotin and Omega 6 Fats
Role Of B6, Zinc, Biotin and Omega 6 Fats
Vitamin B6, Zinc, Biotin and the Omega 6 Fatty Acid called Gamma-Linolenic acid (GLA) are nutrients that are required by your body to perform many essential functions and a deficiency in these nutrients may contribute to the variety of health issues previously mentioned. In addition to that list we have also provided here a number of health conditions that a deficiency in one or more of these nutrients may contribute to, but as yet are not linked to Pyroluria.

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Low GABA Levels
Low GABA Levels
GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid) is a natural occurring brain chemical or neurotransmitter that sends signals from your nerve cell to a specific target cell. The main role of GABA is to have a calming effect on you and your nervous system.

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Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine has an exceptional ability to help your body heal itself of disease and illness. It offers you relief from your symptoms while looking at any underlying imbalances that may be contributing to your health concerns.

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Side Effects Of Being Overweight
Side Effects Of Being Overweight
Being overweight can affect the body physically, emotionally and increase risk of disease. Individuals who are overweight may also have an overall feeling of being unwell and not operating at their full potential.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Whilst there can be many causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, many of the unpleasant symptoms associated with this condition can be dramatically improve by adopting a few simple strategies and treatment protocols.

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Why Test For Pyroluria and Pyrrole Disorder?
Why Test For Pyroluria and Pyrrole Disorder?
Without proper Pyroluria Testing an accurate diagnosis cannot be achieved. People who rely on their Pyroluria symptoms alone for a diagnosis can be unwittingly putting their health at risk by taking excessive amounts of nutritional supplements.

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What Causes Pyroluria?
What Causes Pyroluria?
A commonly asked questions that I hear after "How did I get Pyroluria?" or "What causes Pyroluria?" Many practitioners believe that Pyroluria is caused by genetic factors and this may be true to a degree. However, with over 20 years of clinical experience in treating Pyroluria I have found that nearly 65% of patients suffer from ‘Lifestyle Generated Pyroluria’ and not 'Genetic Pyroluria'. 

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9 Of The Most Common Pyroluria Symptoms
9 Of The Most Common Pyroluria Symptoms
Many people when researching Pyroluria are overcome by the amount of potential symptoms associated with the disease. To make it easier we have listed the 9 most common Pyroluria symptoms we come across in clinical practice.

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Is Pyroluria a Myth or is it a Real Health Condition?
Is Pyroluria a Myth or is it a Real Health Condition?
The simple question 'Is Pyroluria a myth or in fact a real health condition?' seems to have ignited a debate and confusion for online readers. As with any topic there are always conflicting viewpoints, just like climate change, immigration or religion, it seems Pyroluria is no different. On one side of the fence you have healthcare practitioners who deal with and treat people suffering from Pyroluria on a daily basis and on the other side you have uneducated, skeptical bloggers perpetuating that Pyroluria is a myth.

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What is Mental Health and What Causes It
What is Mental Health and What Causes It
Natural Medicine has a lot to offer in terms of healthcare for mental health issues and offers hope for sufferers without the use of drugs and their associated side-effects. With the aid of pathology testing a correct diagnosis can be made and a personalised treatment plan developed to rectify any imbalances required to improve your health.

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