Why Do I Have Pyroluria?
A commonly asked question that I often hear in the clinic is "How did I get Pyroluria?" or "What causes Pyroluria?" Many practitioners believe that Pyroluria or Pyrrole Disorder is caused by genetic factors, and this may be true for some Pyroluria Sufferers. However, with over 15 years of clinical experience in treating Pyroluria, we have found that nearly 65% of patients who have Pyroluria suffer from 'Lifestyle Generated Pyroluria' and not 'Genetic Pyroluria'.
The Difference Between Genetic Pyroluria and Lifestyle Generated Pyroluria?
Genetic Pyroluria is caused by a fault in the genes and is passed down from one generation to the next. Lifestyle Generated Pyroluria is caused by a variety of lifestyle factors and underlying health issues.
Common Causes of Lifestyle Generated Pyroluria
Candida | Inflammation |
Chemical exposure | Insufficient Liver Detoxification |
Drugs | Leaky Gut Syndrome |
Dysbiosis | Nutritional Deficiencies |
Excessive Alcohol | Oxidative Stress |
Food Allergies | Poor Dietary Habits |
Heavy Metal Toxicity | SIBO |
Inadequate Digestive Function | Stress |
Interestingly, we find that 100% of Pyroluria sufferers, regardless of whether they have Genetic or Lifestyle Generated Pyroluria, show dramatic improvements in their symptoms when they take the necessary steps to rectify the underlying causes or factors that exacerbate Pyroluria. In many cases, people who initially tested positive for Pyroluria, test negative or borderline on subsequent tests once these underlying issues have been addressed.
Treating the underlying causes of Pyroluria is a more comprehensive strategy, which addresses the body as a whole, rather than taking long term nutritional supplementation. Yes, dietary supplements are essential in the early stages of any Pyroluria treatment protocol, as they are required to rectify the underlying nutritional deficiencies and imbalances. However, the downside with long term supplementation, besides the expense, is that the supplements can cause reduced levels of other nutrients, in particular, copper, manganese and iron. This, in itself, can lead to different types of diseases or health problems, and it leaves the underlying causes or factors that are left untreated.
For more information on Pyroluria or Pyrrole Disorder, please refer to the links below;
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The information provided in this blog 'What Causes Pyroluria' is of a general nature and intended for educational purposes only. We make no claims to diagnose, treat, prevent, alleviate or cure illnesses or diseases with any information or product stated. With any health issue, we suggest you consult your healthcare professional before undertaking any health treatment.