What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Leaky Gut Syndrome, also known as Intestinal Permeability, is the deterioration or breakdown of the intestinal wall, in particular, the tight junctions that hold the intestinal cells together. Intestinal damage leads to microscopic holes appearing in the abdominal wall. Leaky Gut Syndrome is estimated to affect up to 65% of the population and is a common underlying cause of poor health.
How Does Leaky Gut Syndrome Cause Health Problems?
Leaky Gut Syndrome can occur in either the large or small intestines or both. These microscopic holes allow intestinal bacteria, parasites, worms, their bi-products, food allergens, undigested food, poisons, toxins and in severe cases faeces to pass directly into the bloodstream via the portal vein. Once in the blood, these particles interact with immune complexes and trigger inflammatory responses. The portal vein feeds directly to the liver, which is the main detoxifying organ that removes these particles and toxins from the blood. Once the liver detoxifies these substances, it dumps them back into the intestines for removal in the faeces.
Leaky Gut Syndrome creates intestinal inflammation, which creates Dysbiosis an imbalance between the beneficial and harmful intestinal bacteria. There is also a reduced ability to breakdown and absorb nutrients from food resulting in a degree of malabsorption.
Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky Gut Syndrome is often caused by one or more of the issues identified below;
Ageing | Giardia |
AIDS | Heavy Metal Exposure |
Allergies | Inflammatory bowel disease |
Amphetamines | Irritable bowel syndrome |
Antibiotics | Low stomach acid |
Aspirin | Maldigestion |
Bacterial infections | Malabsorption |
Binge Drinking | Methotrexate |
Blastocystis hominis | NSAID's medications |
Caffeine | Pancreatic insufficiency |
Candida | Parasites |
Chemotherapy treatment | Poor diet |
Cocaine | Prescription hormones |
Coeliac disease | Radiation therapy |
Corticosteroid medication | Sepsis |
Crohn's disease | Serious burns |
Dysbiosis | Simple sugars |
Endurance exercise | Stress |
Excessive Alcohol | Surgery |
Food additives | Trauma |
Gastritis | Ulcerative Colitis |
Health Conditions associated with Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky Gut Syndrome is a complexed health condition. Due to the extra burden placed on the liver, the up-regulation of inflammatory responses and immune suppression Leaky Gut Syndrome plays a significant role in many health conditions and ailments. Below is a list of the more common health conditions and symptoms associated with Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Abdominal pain | Crohn's disease | Malnutrition |
Accelerated ageing | Depression | Memory Loss |
Acne | Diarrhoea | Multiple sclerosis |
Acute pancreatitis | Fatigue | Muscle pain |
ADD/ADHD | Fibromyalgia | Pancreatic insufficiency |
Alcoholism | Flatulence | Parasitic infection |
Allergies | Food Sensitivities | Poor memory |
Ankylosing spondylitis | Headaches | Psoriasis |
Anxiety | Hives | Pyroluria |
Asperger's syndrome | Impaired liver function | Reduced immune function |
Asthma | Inflammatory bowel disease | Reoccurring infections |
Autism | Inflammatory joint disease | Rheumatoid arthritis |
Autoimmune Diseases | Insomnia | Schizophrenia |
Bi-Polar Disorder | Irritable bowel syndrome | Sepsis |
Brain fog | Itchy skin | Skin rashes |
Cirrhosis of the liver | Joint pain | Sinus |
Coeliac disease | Learning difficulties | Slow growth |
Colitis | Lower Back Pain | Type 1 diabetes |
Confusion | Lupus Erythematous | Ulcerative Colitis |
Constipation | Malabsorption | Weight Gain |
How to Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome?
To effectively heal Leaky Gut Syndrome Dysbiosis needs to be addressed. By eliminating Dysbiosis many of the driving factors that progress Leaky Gut Syndrome are eliminated. Once this is achieved it becomes easier to heal Leaky Gut Syndrome. Some nutrients that are of benefit are the amino acid L-Glutamine, which provides nourishment to repair the intestinal enterocytes, Nopal Cactus contains 30% L-Glutamine, reduces intestinal inflammation, improves liver function and provides nourishment for the beneficial gut bacteria. Slippery Elm Bark is a demulcent herb that coats and nourishes the intestines and promotes healing, while fibre provides nourishment to beneficial bacteria, reduces intestinal inflammation and provides nourishment to intestinal cells.
For anyone wanting to heal and overcome Leaky Gut Syndrome, we do offer a Leaky Gut Combo Pack that contains the nutrients to eliminate Dysbiosis and heal Leaky Gut along with diet recommendations and dosage instructions provided in the Treatment Plan.
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The information provided in this blog 'Leaky Gut Syndrome' is of a general nature and intended for educational purposes only. We make no claims to diagnose, treat, prevent, alleviate or cure illnesses or diseases with any information or product stated. With any health issue, we suggest you consult your healthcare professional before undertaking any health treatment.