Welcome to the Vitality and Wellness Centre, a holistic clinic situated in the heart of the beautiful Northern Rivers of New South Wales, Australia.
The team at the Vitality and Wellness Centre help people take control of their health and provide individual treatment strategies, either in-clinic or online via Skype or Phone. Also, Vitality and Wellness's website offers free health information, via video's, blogs or podcasts, offers health treatment solutions and a variety of nutritional supplements.
We strongly believe that natural medicine supports the body both physically, mentally and spiritually. Our focus and treatment are on addressing the underlying causes of illness, not just suppressing the symptoms with a drug. We feel that by treating the underlying causes, the body has a higher chance at regaining long-term health and remaining symptom-free.
After all, what are we without our health?
Ask anyone you know who is suffering from a debilitating disease, and we guarantee you they will say that health is everything!
So, let's introduce you to the Vitality and Wellness Team...
Greg Newson - Business Owner and Health Practitioner
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Greg is a qualified Naturopath, Western Medicine Herbalist, Nutritionist and Remedial Massage Therapist and Professional Health and Wellbeing Speaker with a passion for helping people on all matters to do with health. Greg loves seeing people overcome illness and regain their health and enjoyment of life. He has a real desire to educate people on all matters of health and nutrition and give them back control of their lives. Greg believes that with the right knowledge, people are more informed and thereby more likely to make the right decisions for their long-term health and wellbeing.
Greg was born in Sydney, Australia when 'The Beatles' were still together, and long hair and moustaches were all the rage. Childhood schooling was nothing remarkable, and Greg left in Year 10 to pursue an apprenticeship as an Electrician with PM Cork & Co. Life rolled on for Greg until his mid 20’s when his father was given the devastating diagnosis of an inoperable brain tumour. Despite cancer treatment attempts provided by mainstream medicine, Greg’s father's health declined. It was during this period that Greg sought to research other possible natural medicine treatment options. Unfortunately, his suggestions for these alternative treatments fell on deaf ears. The arrogant attitudes and unwillingness to consider possible alternative options lit the fuse within Greg to pursue a career in Natural Medicine. He had developed a newfound need to help people reclaim their health using a more natural approach to treating disease. This was the driving force behind Gregs decision to enrol at Health Schools Australia and Charles Sturt University in NSW Australia, where he completed his degrees in Naturopathy, Western Herbal Medicine and Nutrition.
Greg has taken to Natural Medicine like a duck to water. His brain that was somewhat inactive during his former school years has become the biggest sponge, soaking up knowledge wherever it can. Greg is exceptionally well aligned in the Natural Medicine field; his expertise and passion for helping others is truly a gift for others to benefit from.
As a passionate practitioner and health teacher, Greg educates people in the community on health matters by speaking on local radio and presenting at a variety of health and healing retreats or seminars.
Greg is a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society
Janelle Newson - Business Operations
Janelle has a background in customer service and business management. Her skill set allows her to oversee the operations of the business, its accounting requirements and to keep Greg in line.
Janelle has great respect for the healing properties of natural medicine. In her mid 20's Janelle suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome through which she discovered natural medicine and experienced its transformative powers.
Her favourite health saying is "the path of wellness and healing is truly a gift that keeps on giving". Janelle loves the journey and continues to grow and expand her gift to help others. To maintain balance in her life, Janelle enjoys daily exercise, meditation, cooking, a good cup of organic Earl Grey tea plus laughing at the antics of her mischievous labrador. She holds a strong connection with spirit and healing energy and is continually amazed by its life-changing healing abilities.
Giselle Brown - Administration and Clinic Assistant

Buddy - Lifestyle Coach / Security Guard
Buddy is the business's most adorable employee. He keeps us sane and constantly reminds us of the importance of being present, playing and having fun. He pretends to act as the chief of security, but can easily be bribed by the smallest morsel of food. He is often found sleeping on the job and when awoken expects pats and rubs behind his ears. It's quite obvious that Buddy thinks the Vitality and Wellness Centre is the place to be.