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Selenium During Pregnancy Protects Against Postpartum Depression
Selenium During Pregnancy Protects Against Postpartum Depression

A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (medicines gold standard for testing) involving 85 first time pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy, found that selenium supplementation during pregnancy may exert a protective effect against postpartum depression. 44 pregnant women were given 100ug of selenium daily and 41 women given a placebo daily until delivery. The symptoms of postpartum depression were evaluated during the eight weeks following delivery by means of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Mean EPDS score was found to be significantly lower in the selenium-supplemented group, compared with the placebo group. Thus, the authors of this study...

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Fruit & Vegetables Helps To Protect Against Heart Disease
Fruit & Vegetables Helps To Protect Against Heart Disease
Here's a great study showing the link between higher fruit and vegetable consumption and a reduction in heart disease.

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Egg-Citing News For Metabolic Disease!
Egg-Citing News For Metabolic Disease!
This study highlights the importance of eggs and protein in normalising blood sugar levels and reducing sugar cravings

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Drinking Fresh Apple Juice May Benefit Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease
Drinking Fresh Apple Juice May Benefit Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease
A good little study offering relief for Alzhiemer sufferers their loved ones and carers. It makes that old saying 'an apple a day, keeps the doctor away' even more important.

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Blueberries and Strawberries Help to Prevent High Blood Pressure
Blueberries and Strawberries Help to Prevent High Blood Pressure

Gregs Comments; Here is another example of how food serves as medicine. These yummy little blueberries and strawberries actually help to reduce the risk of developing hypertension. Pretty cool for something that can be found in the fruit and vegetable section of any supermarket or green grocer all year round. Plus they taste fantastic to boot. Blueberries and Strawberries to the Rescue Blueberries have always been regarded as a ‘super food’ high in antioxidants, but a new study has shown that eating blueberries protects against high blood pressure (hypertension). The study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, took place...

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Downward Dogs Develop Elephant-Like Memory
Downward Dogs Develop Elephant-Like Memory

Greg's Comments: Wow that's amazing... I've just signed up for my first Yoga session! Who would have thought that something so simple could have that much of a profound effect on the body and help protect us against the devastating effects of cognitive decline.  Yoga Helps Protect Against Dementia... Seriously Downward dogs and warrior pose build a strong, healthy prefrontal cortex and protect your brain against age-associated cognitive decline. Looking for differences in brain structure, researchers recruited 21 women aged 60+ who had practiced yoga at least twice a week for a minimum of eight years. They were then compared to...

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An Unhealthy Diet During Pregnancy May Harm Three Generations
An Unhealthy Diet During Pregnancy May Harm Three Generations

Greg's Comments; This is pretty scary, here's an interesting animal study on unhealthy diets during pregnancy and the high risk of health complications for future generations. Now matter how far we advance as a society all evidence still points to the importance of a healthy diet similar to that of our forefathers with lots of fresh nutrient rich produce. Harming Future Generations A recent animal study has suggested that mums who eat a high-fat, high-sugar diet may be putting their future generations at risk of metabolic problems, even if their offspring eat a healthy diet. “Sadly nearly two-thirds of reproductive-age women...

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Vitamin D: Transforming Cooked Lobsters Into Cool Cucumbers
Vitamin D: Transforming Cooked Lobsters Into Cool Cucumbers

A day at the beach got you looking like a lobster? Combatting sunburn with high dose vitamin D may leave you feeling cool as a cucumber, according to a new doubleblind placebo-controlled trial. Twenty study participants received 50,000, 100,000 or 200,000 IU of vitamin D or placebo one hour after their inner arm was ‘sunburnt’ by a UV lamp. When examined 24, 48, 72 hours and 1 week later; those who consumed the highest doses showed less skin inflammation 48 hours post-burn. Participants with the highest blood levels of vitamin D (equivalent to 100 nmol/L) had less skin redness and...

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Zinc Deficiency and Prostate Cancer
Zinc Deficiency and Prostate Cancer

In a population study involving 525 men under 80 years of age diagnosed with prostate cancer of which 42% died of prostate cancer and another 49% died of other causes. The study found that the higher the dietary intake of zinc the greater association there was with a reduced risk of prostate cancer-specific mortality by 64%. No association was found between zinc intake and mortality from other causes. The authors conclude that ”high intake of zinc is associated with lower prostate cancer-specific mortality after diagnosis, particularly in men with localised disease.” [1] Greg’s Comments: Zinc concentrates in the prostate and...

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Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To An Increase In Childhood Asthma
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To An Increase In Childhood Asthma

A randomised study involving 1,024 children with mild-to-moderate persistent asthma found that 35% of these children had inadequate levels of Vitamin D. The lowest levels found in African-Americans and the highest levels found in white Americans. Moreover an insufficient Vitamin D status is associated with higher odds of any hospitalisation or emergency department visit. The authors conclude, “That Vitamin D insufficiency is common in this population of North American children with mild-to-moderate persistent asthma and is associated with higher odds of severe exacerbation of their asthma over a 4-year period.” Greg’s Comments: The major source of Vitamin D is sunlight...

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