The Hidden Impact of Constipation: Beyond Bathroom Troubles
Constipation is often dismissed as a mere inconvenience, but its impact goes far beyond bathroom troubles. In our latest video, Naturopath Greg Newson reveals the hidden consequences of irregular bowel movements and offers natural solutions to address this common issue. One of the surprising revelations is the toxic build-up that can occur when we don't have daily bowel movements. Greg explains how this accumulation of toxins affects our overall health, leading to fatigue, bloating, skin problems, and even compromising our immune system.

The Kidneys More Than Just Filtration And Piddle

Reflux - A Disease Or A Stomach Out Of Balance?
In our latest video, Vitality and Wellness's clinic Naturopath Greg Newson discusses Reflux.
Is it a disease or simply a matter of the stomach being out of balance?
Does Mother Nature have the answers and knowledge to rebalance, repair and regenerate the stomach and oesophagus, leading a person to become Reflux Free?
Can Herbs really offer long-term relief and healing from Reflux?

Pyroluria and Digestion

Pyroluria, Pyrrole Disorder and the Stress Connection

Is there a connection between Diet and Pyroluria?
Is there a connection between Diet and Pyroluria? - Naturopath Greg Newson explains the link between what you eat and Pyroluria. The importance of healthy food is often overlooked in any illness or health condition including Pyroluria. Eating the correct food is the single most important thing that you can do for yourself every day, for the rest of your life. A simple question, if you drive a gasoline or petrol car, would you fill the tank with diesel fuel? For most of us that's a stupid question as we know that putting the wrong fuel into our car will...

Candida The Small Organism Causing Big Problems
Candida or Candidiasis is a common health problem that can cause or contribute to a multitude of health complaints.

Pyroluria is it Fact or Fiction?
Unfortunately Pyroluria falls outside the realm of mainstream medicine due to the fact that the only way to rectify the problem is by improving the sufferer’s nutritional status, diet, digestion and stress levels. Mainstream medicine relies on drugs to suppress a symptom or relieve suffering and this form of treatment will not work for a person who has a Pyrrole disorder. Sadly sufferers of Pyroluria fall through the cracks and are often misdiagnosed and given medication or drugs that does nothing to rectify the underlying problem. Unfortunately these medications can lead to further deterioration of a persons health.

Understanding Pyroluria Part 1
What is Pyroluria, Kryptopyrroles and Pyrrole Disorder? Pyroluria may be the hidden factor behind many Mental Health illnesses such as Depression, Autism, ADD/ADHD, Schizophrenia and Bi Polar Disorder. Pyroluria may also contribute to addictions, violent behaviour, alcoholism, epilepsy and Acute Intermittent Porphyria.

Understanding Pyroluria Part 2
Pyroluria is known by many different names including Pyrrole Disorder, Kryptopyrrole, Kryptopyrroluria, Pyrroluria, Pyrolle Disorder, Mauve Factor and Hemepyrrole. Pyroluria can best be described as the abnormal synthesis and metabolism of the oxygen carrying molecule in your blood, called haemoglobin. As with all cells in your body there are waste or by-products produced and the by-product of haemoglobin is a metabolite called hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL) also known as Pyrrole. The metabolite was originally thought to be a Kryptopyrrole but further studies have proven this not to be the case. People who suffer from Pyroluria produce excessive amounts of these Pyrroles which...

Leaky Gut Syndrome The Missing Health Link?
Leaky gut syndrome occurs when microscopic holes appear in the intestinal walls, this may allow undigested food particles, bacteria, their by-products and other substances to pass into your blood stream. Once in the blood stream these substances can contribute to a variety of health issues. Leaky gut syndrome may just be the missing link to your underlying health problems.