What Is Herbal Medicine?
Herbal medicine is the practice of using herbs for their medicinal and therapeutic benefit. Herbs are natures medicine and are found in abundance throughout the plant kingdom. The healing compounds of medicinal plants can be the whole plant, or part of the plant i.e. bark, roots, leaves or berries. All parts of the herb can be used in a variety of ways to help heal and rebalance the body.
For thousands of years the traditional medicines of indigenous cultures have incorporated herbal medicines to help treat and cure a variety of mental, physical and spiritual ailments. Moving forward into the 21st-century, tens of thousands of scientific studies have lead to a renaissance in the use of herbal medicines. These studies have helped to elevate herbal medicine as a healing modality and has entitled herbs to take their rightful place in helping to heal and rebalance poor health and dis-ease.
Herbal medicines are widely available and can be eaten as food, drunk as a herbal tea, or consumed as a herbal tincture, capsule or tablet. Thanks to science and what our forefathers instinctively knew, herbal medicine now offers a gentle, genuine alternative, to the sometimes harsh side effects of medical drugs. Herbal medicine provides a natural solution for numerous health complaints.
Isn't Herbal Medicine Quackery?
Unfortunately there are some people, medical professionals and even pharmaceutical companies that believe and perpetuate the school of thought that herbs and alternative medicines are not safe or scientifically proven. This is despite the fact that they have helped the human race evolve for thousands of years.
A quick google search shows 235,000,000 results when typing in 'scientific papers on herbal medicine'. So why the negative attitude? It could be that herbs are relatively cheap to grow, as is the process of converting the herbs into herbal tinctures or herbal supplements. The fear factor can play a role when rubbishing herbal medicine. Drug companies fear losing potential customers and revenue to herbal medicine, which diminishes income and control. Some medical practitioners may even fear not being revered by their patients. Medicine and Herbal medicine have a great deal to offer; it's a shame the two modalities can't work more closely to benefit the health of the patient.
Interestingly, many of the drugs on the market today are derived from 1 or more of the chemical components found in herbs. For example, Aspirin is derived from White Willow Bark, while Codeine and Morphine trace their origins back to the Opium Poppy.
The Benefits of Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine can benefit anyone. Herbs are complex foods that contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids and intricate phytonutrients that support, nurture, rebalance and revitalise body systems, organs and cells, thus improving health. Herbs also have the added benefit of being broad acting and promote healing in more than one organ or body system.
There are 1000's of medicinal herbs scattered across this beautiful blue planet and all have amazing healing qualities. One example, Chamomile, has far-reaching health benefits which include; calming the nervous system - which helps improve insomnia, reduce anxiety and depression. Chamomile also has anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory properties and offers relief of teething, calms an angry child and inhibits sorbitol - which causes diabetic blindness. That's pretty impressive for a herb that is also available in supermarkets everywhere. We use NatroVital AllerCare to help patients reduce histamine and the symptoms of allergies. Whilst N.S Balance and Be-Calm are used to revitalise a weak nervous system, improve insomnia and help alleviate nervousness and anxiety. All of these products incorporate the use of the herb Chamomile for it's healing properties.
As mentioned there are 1000's of medicinal herbs that can be used for all types of health issues. Whilst herbs are beneficial in times of illness, taken regularly as part of a pro-health regime, they help to support and strengthen the whole body and thus help to prevent or reduce the severity of future disease.
Is Herbal Medicine Safe?
Generally, herbs are a safe form of medicine with minimal side-effects. However, certain herbs are contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation or with certain health conditions. They may also react with different pharmaceutical drugs.
It is always best to consult with or purchase from a herbalist who is qualified in prescribing herbal medicine. A herbalist knows and understands herbs and any contraindications they may have. A person wouldn't self prescribe with medical drugs for a significant medical illness; neither should they for herbal medicine.
How To Use Herbs For Better Health?
Herbs or herbal medicine comes in a variety of forms depending on the need and health condition. For medicinal strength herbs, there are herbal tinctures as well as powders, tablets and capsules. Many of our NatroVital products incorporate herbs in their list of ingredients. Also, there are now a wide variety of herbal teas available, making them a pleasurable and beneficial way of receiving therapeutic benefits of herbal medicine. Growing herbs provides a convenient and cost-effective way to add flavour to meals, use as a tea and receive their healing benefits daily. Culinary herbs have amazing medicinal properties and are generally quite safe to use.
If you have a severe health complaint, please don't try to treat yourself, but seek the help of a professional herbal medicine practitioner. Herbalists know how to use and prescribe herbs for various health conditions. Should you require a consultation, please contact us for further information.
The information provided here on herbal medicine is of a general nature intended for educational purposes only. We make no claims to diagnose, treat, prevent, alleviate or cure illnesses or diseases with any information or product stated. With any health issue we suggest you consult your healthcare professional before undertaking any health treatment.
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