Kidney Detoxification Program | Vitality and Wellness

Your kidneys are one of the most important organs and good kidney health is of extreme importance. Your Kidneys regulate your water balance and blood pressure, manufacture vitamin D and erythropoietin (which controls the formation of red blood cells) and they detoxify harmful substances and excrete them via your urine.

Our Kidney Detoxification Program involves a gentle kidney flush and kidney cleanse while improving kidney detoxification and overall function.

The desired result of the kidney detox program is to improve the efficiency and functioning of your kidneys and their detoxification abilities.

Early Signs of Kidney Problems

The following early signs of kidney problems may indicate you are suffering from the early signs of kidney damage or disease. Poor kidney function can lead to a myriad of health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

If you suffer from FOUR or more of these symptoms you may benefit from a kidney detox.

arthritis bladder or kidney infections bloody, cloudy and/or dark urine
bone spurs burning when urinating can’t hold urine
chronic fatigue syndrome damaged knees dark circles under the eyes
dripping after or poor urine stream elevated creatinine on blood test elevated urea on blood test
excessive urination excessive urination at night fears and/or phobias
fluid retention frequent, urgent urination gout
high blood pressure incontinence on exertion, sneezing etc joint and muscle pain
large amounts of ear wax low eGFR on blood test low or no libido
lower back pain osteoporosis poor skin elasticity, dryness
prostate problems puffy eyelids rarely need to urinate
snorer strong smelling urine tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
urinary tract infections vertigo  

Our Kidney Detox Pack, which can be purchased online, is a detoxification program designed to cleanse and flush the kidneys.

What changes should I notice after a kidney flush and cleanse?

The changes experienced after a kidney detox varies from person to person but you may notice a reduction in the symptoms associated with poor kidney function. For example you may find that you have a reduction in lower back pain, fluid retention, swelling, snoring, less frequent urination and gout as well as an increase in energy.

What does our Kidney Detox Pack include?

The Kidney Detox Pack contains;

  • The Kidney Detox Guide – This guide provides you with an overview on kidney detoxification with step by step instructions on how to follow this program. It also provides you with a list of foods to include and exclude to improve your kidney function and assist with the kidney cleanse as well as a section on suggested lifestyle changes including exercise advice to help you get the best results out of the Kidney Detox Program.
  • Nutritional Supplements – A selection of highly effective and high quality herbal tonics, powders and capsules designed to assist your kidney flush, kidney cleanse and kidney detox.

The nutritional supplements provided will last the full 4 weeks of the program using the recommended dosages supplied in our Kidney Detox Pack.

Please Note: This program is designed to improve kidney health if you suffer from many of the symptoms of poor  kidney function you may need to spend twice the amount of time on this program. Alternatively you can make an appointment for a consultation at our clinic or online (via Skype) to ensure your health problems are treated correctly under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.


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